3E Parenting Approach (Video 1)

In this series, we will talk about the First step that is Engagement.

5 Ways to Increase Engagement

It is a 5 step process you need to follow to increase engagement.

Step 1:

you need to observe their daily routine. You need to know what they like, what they don’t like, what are their favorites activities. For that, you need to observe and listen to them more and don’t judge their each and every action.

Step 2:

If you want them to open up to you naturally, share your childhood stupid or innocent mistakes. Compliment them on their small achievements and temporarily ignore their minor mistakes. This way, they will feel more comfortable and relax to share their stories with their true feelings.

Step 3:

Do you know, Who are their best friends and you might need to Interact with them casually, so you know the social and study personality of your child outside the home. Find out what are their favorite subjects. Talk to their teachers in Parent-teacher meeting and ask them what is your child’s learning passion and also check with them what are their expectations from you as a parent?

Step 4:

Also look through your child homework and assessments, especially where they get high marks or where they do the work over the board, exceeding the teacher’s expectation. Look at the projects they are very excited to share about. 

Step 5:

Besides entertainment activities, what are your child’s hobbies? What do they love to learn outside the school? What skills they want to develop. The whole idea is to learn your child’s inner passion for some particular learning area. Something they love to do and they have a natural talent to grow in that area of study. 

At young innovators, We believe every child has a natural talent for something special. Also, you need to know your child’s learning style as well. If you never heard of Learning Styles, we have given a link in the description to get more information.


So, here is a summary of practical steps to engage with your child. Observe and listen to your child more. Condemn and Criticise them less. Compliment on their little positive actions rather than picking on their minor mistakes. You can talk to their best friends and teachers because they will give you a sneak peek on their outside home learning personality. Learn about their favorite study areas by examining their report cards and projects.Make note of the extra-curricular activities which they take optionally in school or do with their friends or they participate online.

Please share your thoughts and experiences as a parent. What did you try or what worked for you? In the next part, we will share some cool ideas about how to set up an organic learning environment around your child where they grow his/her capabilities naturally.